Detox Juice For Weight Loss: How Does It Work?

Have you heard about juice fasting or juice cleansing? It is a detox juice for weight loss. What it does is detoxify your body by drinking fruit and vegetable juices, which promote weight loss.

But is it different from regular juice? The main difference between juice detox and regular juice is you make it yourself. Regular juice in grocery is usually infused with sweeteners, colour and tints, preservatives, and other additives to enhance the smell and flavour. 

On the other hand, the juice used for juice fasting is from real and fresh fruits. People can put one or a combination of fruits and vegetables into the juicer machine to extract the juices and separate them from the pulp or flesh of the fruits and vegetables. Then you drink it over a designated period and wait for it to take effect.

But how does juice fasting work?


The sugars, especially the added sugar in beverages people consume, such as bottled juices, soft drinks, and energy drinks are high in calories yet lack essential nutrients. 

Switching to a self-produced juice drink reduces your calorie intake. Fruits and vegetables contain a natural sugar called fructose. Fructose has less caloric rate, although excessive consumption may still hurt health.

Nevertheless, juice fasting is ineffective if you still add sugar and another sweetener to your juice, beating its purpose. You can maximise the effect of juice fasting if you switch to healthy meals after your cold pressed juice in Singapore. Remember, calories are also present in the food you eat.


There are countless gut bacteria living in the digestive organs, specifically in large intestines. Gut bacteria benefit humans by helping them harvest nutrients from the food during digestion, fight pathogens that enter the digestive system, regulate the immune system, and strengthen the protection of the intestines and gut. They may also have a laxative effect.

However, there are two kinds of gut bacteria: healthy and unhealthy. Too many unhealthy bacteria can lead to diseases. People who are into juice fasting have more healthy gut bacteria than those who don’t.


Juice fasting can help with detoxification in the form of fighting free radicals. Free radicals damage the skin, causing fast ageing and some diseases. 

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, similar to Kombucha tea in Singapore. The antioxidants fight the free radicals, reducing the likelihood of getting diseases, including cancer. But more studies are needed to prove the detox effect of juice fasting.


Detox juice for weight loss is ineffective without a proper diet. Not all nutrients are found in fruits and vegetables, so you will still have to eat food. When it comes to food consumption, make sure you get the right amount of nutrients you need. Too much sodium or calories can offset the effect of juice fasting.

Lastly, always consult your doctor when trying out weight loss food trends to ensure it does not have any adverse effect on you.

Are you ready to try detox juice for weight loss? Antidote Singapore provides all your need for juice fasting, from Kombucha tea to cold pressed juice in Singapore. Visit Antidote Singapore today.