Making Your Own Cake Stand

Looking for a way to add some personality to your cake-decorating skills? Why not try making your own cake stand? It’s a fun, easy project that can be completed in just a few steps. Plus, you can customise it to match your decorating style. Cake delivery in Singapore may require you your own stand especially when they come in multiple tiers.

Cake stands are a must-have for any cake enthusiast. Not only do they make your cake look pretty, but they also protect your cake from smudges and fingerprints. If you don’t have a cake stand, don’t worry – you can easily make one yourself!

Cake delivery in Singapore does not always come with a cake stand, so it is best that you know how to make one. This way, once your cake arrives, you can position it safely and properly and in such a manner that it captivates the guests in your event.

Below are some tips in making your own cake stand:

  1. Scalloped pie or tart pan.

A cake stand with frilly edges can be achieved by using an inexpensive tart, quiche or wavy-edged pie pan as the top of your new baking masterpiece. Just pick up a candlestick holder at any local dollar store for this base and paint it match whatever color you want on top (or use another fun decoration).

Once they are both dry bond together using some museum putty so that the pans won’t get damaged; then separate them out again when the party is over.

  1. Plastic wine glass from the dollar store.

The dollar store is an excellent place to find all sorts of supplies for your next cake project. You can grab some plastic wine glasses and plates, or even chargers if you want something sturdier.

Just glue the bottom part in underneath one side so that it keeps its shape while being supported by whatever material–whether wood-based charging stands are perfect because they’re natural looking but still provide stability when needed most; metal will give off enough brightness without being too flashy.

  1. Terra cotta pots.

For this stand, choose a small pot with the intent of gluing it underneath an already existing saucer. You can flip or paint side panels according to preference; however, if you want ridges on either side. For better stability, use terra cotta pots without natural finish (or apply first before painting).

To make sure your new clay dish doesn’t fall over when filled almost completely add something heavy like another plate which will help keep its weight balanced midair.

  1. Other dinnerware items.

You can use a removable adhesive like museum putty (or even sticky tack) to temporarily join items, such as plates, platters, tumblers and even smaller tin pans and that’s how you make your own cake stand. You need something with an opening at the top for sugar or other toppings; try plating from an existing item like cupcake holder-it will fit perfectly!

Once everything has been placed back in its rightful place after hosting this special party activity, remove all connections between them simply by wiping off any residue left behind on either side of where they meet – no glue necessary.