A Newbies Guide to Coffee

Coffee, an immensely popular beverage brewed and served in a myriad of flavors and presentations across the globe. It is what some consider to be the fuel that propels them through the day, and with 100mg of caffeine per cup, it certainly does the trick. If you are someone looking to know more about coffee, then here are a few areas that are key to the coffee experience. Beyond that, it is a matter of experimentation until you find the brew or barista that is perfect for you. You can search your local coffee shops for the perfect roast, or you can look to your local community, read reviews, and ask people on social media where the best coffee house in your area is. Just ask the passionate coffee drinkers at Bun Coffee, where to get the best coffee in Byron Bay, and they will tell you where the magic happens. Continue reading to learn more about coffee.

Light and Dark Roast

If you have absolutely no familiarity with the coffee universe, then light and dark roast coffee beans likely mean very little to you. However, the bean’s roast has an impact on the taste, acidity, and even caffeine levels. The roast of a coffee bean is a matter of how long and at what temperature it is roasted at. A freshly picked coffee bean would be grey or green and not likely to taste very good. There are different varieties of coffee beans, and each kind should be roasted differently. Floral beans may be lightly roasted to enhance the playful and light flavor while the more robust coffee beans are dark roasted to better shape the flavor into something heavier.

The Roasting Process

Proper roasting of coffee beans is crucial to the end flavor, which is why specialty roasters are used to remove water content from the beans carefully. When coffee beans are roasted, they crack, which is a measure of how light or dark a roast is. One crack is considered a lighter roast, which two is dark. The beans are roasted upwards of 400 degrees until they begin to crack and are then dropped into a cooling area where the bean’s temperature drops rapidly. This preserves the intended roast level and flavor of the bean. Roasting also impacts the acidity of the coffee end product. Coffee’s acidity can irritate your stomach and increase symptoms associated with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you have concerns about stomach irritation, choose a dark-roasted coffee. This is because beans that are roasted for longer periods of time lose some of their natural acidity.

Pouring a Cup

From bean to cup, there are several ways to obtain a great cup of brewed coffee at home or in a restaurant. Keurig and other instant coffee makers are very popular these days due to their ease of use and the minimal effort needed to produce a good cup of coffee. However, many still prefer the old-fashioned drip method, which involves pouring coffee grounds into a filter over a pot. Hot water is poured onto the filter, which infuses the coffee grounds and drips through the filter into the pot. Many will argue that taste and consistency differ between the methods, but that does not matter enough to those who prefer Keurig’s convenience.


Now that you have had an introduction to the world of coffee, it is time to go out and explore. Find a store that sells coffee and maybe start by buying a sampler of different coffees. Make sure you have some form of sweetener to add in case your coffee is too bland or your tastes. Adding silk, almond, or cow’s milk can also enhance the flavor exponentially. Once you have your best coffee ingredients ready to go, begin brewing and taste testing until you find the cup of coffee that satisfies and fuels you.